And you know what? The day that I was supposed to start "collecting" my husband's "material", well, he was in a different state. And the next day. And finally, he arrived.
Side note:
They say that the egg is released within 24 hours of the LH (luteinizing hormone) and that it lives for 12-24 hours after it is released.
I figured, as long as it came at the end of the 24 hours and lived 24 hours, we should be good.
I figured, I get pregnant so easily, surely I have a hearty little egg floating around in my previously identified paradisiacal uterus.
Apparently I don't. Maybe my uterus is sick and tired of babies living in it. I get it, eight is a lot of babies. And I heard you last time uterus, you don't want two at a time. I know. I promised we wouldn't do that mess again. But it was just one!
And little egg, I know you have been in their for almost 36 years. I do. Don't you think it would be so awesome to become a baby? Like, wouldn't that be better than shriveling up, dying, and falling out in a mess of bloody ooze? Seriously?
End of side note.
I collected the material. I get it. I was two days late. TWO DAYS. Two days! And then I waited. I even waited until 3 days before my period was due so that I wouldn't get up my hopes. But how can you not? And the test was negative. So was the next day. And the next day. And today, I decided not to even test. What was the point?
I guess I knew I wasn't pregnant this whole time. With my last child (#3), I knew I was pregnant because my body told me I was well before a pregnancy test would have picked it up. I never felt that this time. Just like last month, I already knew.
So, the test was negative. This post is negative. But what else do you expect? Negative. I have gotten pregnant the first go SIX times. I knew the odds were lower this time. I am older. My body has been through pregnancy hell. And I know everyone can't have everything. I know all the facts. I know all the clichés.
But right now, none of that means anything to my heart- which is slightly more broken than it was yesterday.
And the silver lining, if there must be one, is that I know a hell of a lot more about fertility and cycles than ever before. Even after 3 surrogate pregnancies, I have learned more about my body than I ever knew I didn't know. So this next month, I am going to throw my huge trove of knowledge at this thing. I am going to cervical mucus and ovulation test my eyeballs out.
Stay tuned.