Tuesday, January 5, 2016

The Holidays at 16 Weeks

Exciting news world!  We are 16 weeks and officially in month 4.  The baby is the size of an avacado.
Jason and I went shopping at Target and Babies'R'Us to get a feel for what is going on in the baby world these days.  We were overwhelmed with the choices and the technology (did you know they have computerized swing/bouncy seat contraptions now?).  I did enjoy the maternity parking though!
Christmas was uneventful since the kids were with their dad, but Jason did surprise me with a new pregnancy pillow.  This is going to save my back, my hips, my belly, and allow me to sleep comfortably for the next 5+ months.

The kids came home after Christmas, and my heart filled with light and love again.  We started painting different color options in the nursery (we are currently at 10!) and Katie has been helping me figure out the best way to meld the classic nursery design Jason wants, the clean and simple style I like, and the modern look Katie thinks the baby should have!
We traveled to BuyBuyBaby where we were further confounded by all of the baby choices, but took the whole family along and everyone got to play with rocking chairs (they come in recliner style now!), strollers, and car seats.  
The baby received her/his first present from Grandma and Grandpa- a tiny, soft bear.  It was my favorite present.

The holidays have been beautiful this year, with the love of my growing children and this new baby we are all preparing to embrace.  Stepping into the new year, I am filled with the joy of my children and the hope of our new child growing bigger every day.

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